Patrick Bates (2 out of 10 ) From the musical score to the special effects this movie truly sucks!
Bad story, bad script, bad acting plain and simple. It's hard to pinpoint the major problem with this movie becase, well hell who am I kidding? God this movie is so bad!
jack (9 out of 10 ) It was cool, make more Jason movies.
Joe Jonsen (10 out of 10 ) This movie is incredible. For all those horror/action lovers out there this movie will blow your mind. I just don't know where people come up with things as good as this.
b boy (10 out of 10 ) If I had to describe this movie in 2 words they would be cool and spectacular.
god (3 out of 10 ) A movie that could have potentially buried that franchise. Pure shit. The only thing good about this piece of crap is that uberjason looks kind of cool in comic book form.
Vader the White (3 out of 10 ) It's funny how there are such mixed comments. (Honestly, it is even funnier in the Comments for Freddy vs Jason.) I honestly thought it was rather bad, worse than the actual movie (they did improve it), but I will give it some forgiveness, since it is Jason, and at least he didn't teleport and have weak kills like in Jason Takes Manhattan.
Gug Gorman (1 out of 10 ) Jason doesn't belong in space. Plus, the script is REALLY bad.. characters, plot, writing. It's NOT how you should make a horror film.